Patient engagement and patient experience are gradually becoming the buzzword in the healthcare industry all around. However, the factors that impact patient experience are less focused. This blog will talk about one of those paramount factors- in-clinic engagement.
Stages of patient engagement begin right there where you connect with them through any information, say ads on social media. From there to booking an appointment, visiting your clinic/hospital, coming back for follow-ups, staying in touch post consultation, all of it is open to impactpatient experience, either to enhance or diminish. Sadly, several doctors consider only creating awareness and bringing them to visit will help them convert/retain. The most crucial part which unknowingly gets missed is the in-clinic engagement.
Before moving ahead, let us understand in brief about all these terminologies and their interrelation.

About Patient Experience
It refers to the overall journey of an individual during his course of treatment with a particular healthcare provider. The milestones and the experience of a patient differ as per their diagnosis and the cause of treatment.
It is said that patients cannot measure the quality of clinical care, but they do measure the quality of their experience. Thus, patient experience holds the potential to determine whether the patient would follow all that is prescribed, consider your service in future and at the same time if there is a scope of good word of mouth.
However, amongst all stages, in-clinic experience ranks higher as the contact points are incarcerated and it is the only place where a doctor-patient communication happens in person.
Is in-clinic experience any different?
Yes, it narrows down to the experience in reference to the personal attention a patient receives during the treatment in person. It includes not just the care provided by the doctor, but the supporting aspects – conduct of staff, ambience of the clinic/hospital, things he encounters as value addition to him, ease in the access to the treatment/consultation procedures; all of it impacts his experience.
For instance if we consider dentists and their patient’ experience, there flashes a terminology – Dentophobia! Yes that is for real! It’s the fear that patients have pre-visit not specifically for the dentists but majorly the dental procedures with those scary instruments. However, fear is created in the mind, so with the right approach it can be shooed away too! Read here 6 simple ways to combat dentophobia with patient experience.
In-clinic engagement for in-clinic patient experience
Changing dynamics have transformed patient’s expectations. As now, their experience is not simply based on the treatment given to cure, it is highly dependent on the overall ‘vibe’ they get through the process. Even a single apathetic statement by the receptionist can take a toll on the patient’s perception and further not only impact his treatment but his relation with you as a provider too. So it is crucial to keep check points on all the levels inside a clinic.

What can be done to improve patient experience in the clinic?
Simple, opt for in-clinic patient engagement solutions offered by a professional.
Because of course, you don’t have the entire time to put in this task owing to your busy schedules. So let the patient engagement solutions provider do the job!
Quick fixes-
- Consider the visual elements displayed inside the clinic, make sure they are appealing or at least informative and not gross.
- If possible, have a separate kids zone so that patients with kids stay unworried.
- Simple things like the aura of your clinic, keep it soothing (essential oils with candles might help)
- Keep the process as hassle-free as possible for the patients
- Keep a feedback option for them to share while leaving & act on constructive and realistic feedback.
- Have a counselling session with entire staff every now and then to keep them on the same page
To leave you with a thought-
Whether you are a clinic, hospital or a large healthcare establishment, aligning your patient engagement strategies effectively is strongly recommended to grow your practice.
Fear, anxiety or any prejudiced thought is created by the mind, so with the right patient engagement tools and tricks, reverse all the trigger points to turn an unpleasant experience into a relaxing one.
Better the in-clinic engagement, enhanced will be the experience, period
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